The United States Transhumanist Party (USTP) is a political organization dedicated to placing science, health, and technology at the forefront of American political discourse. Under the leadership of Gennady Stolyarov II, who has been chairman since 2016, the USTP challenges the mainstream political narrative by focusing on how technological progress can profoundly transform society. The party promotes three core ideals: extending human life through scientific advancement, fostering a culture driven by reason and secular values, and mitigating existential risks to humanity.



Gennady Stolyarov II has been the Chairman of the United States Transhumanist Party since 2016. He is a dedicated advocate for radical life extension and believes in using science and technology to improve the human condition. Gennady is also the author of Death is Wrong, the world’s first illustrated children’s book on radical life extension, promoting the idea that life has limitless potential and that death should be seen as a challenge to overcome.


The United States Transhumanist Party seeks to reform the political landscape in the U.S. by advocating for policies that prioritize technological innovation. The USTP has been active in promoting life extension research, encouraging public support for longevity science, and advocating for regulatory reforms that would speed up the development of new therapies. The party believes that changes to existing regulations, such as those governed by the FDA, are crucial to making life-extending treatments more accessible to the public. They aim to build a society where technology is embraced as a fundamental force for good, improving the quality of life and expanding human potential.

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