LEV Foundation

LEV Foundation

The LEV Foundation is a nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing the field of rejuvenation biotechnology with the goal of reversing biological aging. Under the leadership of renowned gerontologist Aubrey de Grey, the foundation focuses on conducting early-stage research on animals, specifically testing combination therapies that aim to dramatically extend lifespan. LEV Foundation stands out in the aging research community by targeting middle-aged mice, developing treatments that could one day be applied to humans, helping achieve longevity escape velocity — the point at which aging can be controlled through medical interventions.


LEV Foundation

Aubrey de Grey is a pioneering figure in the field of aging research, widely known for his bold approach to reversing aging. He has over two decades of experience in longevity science and is committed to pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in life extension, advocating for a world where biological aging is a solvable problem.


The LEV Foundation focuses on reversing biological aging through groundbreaking experiments on middle-aged mice. Their key project involves testing multiple treatments simultaneously on a cohort of 1,000 mice, with the goal of extending their remaining lifespan by up to a year. By combining various therapies, LEV Foundation seeks to achieve results that far surpass the effects of any single intervention. With this research, they aim to de-risk future human trials, potentially accelerating the development of rejuvenation therapies for humans.

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